Is It Time To Call In A Real Estate Agent?

Many people nowadays want to try and sell their homes on their own, without the services of a professional real estate agent. After all, those real estate agents cost money, and you want to get all the money you can for your home sale. The entire home-selling process looks relatively simple, but you should understand that it only looks simple because you have always dealt with agents, and they do make it look easy. Read on to learn about the signs that it's time to call in a professional real estate agent.

1. Setting the right price. Knowing what your home is worth and what it will sell for is both a science and an art. If you set the price too high, it will sit and sit as buyers pass it by. If you set the price too low, you could be cheating yourself out of thousands of dollars. Real estate agents understand, to the penny, how much similar homes are selling for in your neighborhood and town. Additionally, seasoned agents have deep knowledge about market trends in general.

2. You are considering doing a renovation. From looking at popular "nesting" programs on HGTV, you might think that everyone is into "mid century modern" right now, but is that really what home buyers in your area are seeking? A real estate agent visits homes day and night and knows intuitively the potential value of any planned renovations and improvements. Renovations are expensive, and many home owners put their funds on the wrong rooms. You may love the look of marble, and no matter how much it costs, you think it gives the bathroom "class," but your agent will know that buyers are turning up their noses at marble.

3. You don't understand the value of staging. No, staging has nothing to do with Broadway musicals. Staging is the act of making your home look more attractive for potential buyers. It's a multi-step process that involves getting rid of clutter, rearranging furniture, and more. Buyers have big expectations of how they want their new home to look, and the value of staging cannot be underestimated. Your real estate agent can assist you with some quick tips for staging and can recommend a professional for bigger jobs.

4. You think you can sell part-time. When you hire a professional, you can count on them to show your home just about any time of the day, no matter what day. Are you really prepared to spend every day at home waiting for a buyer to drop in?

Talk to a real estate agent today.
