3 Features To Look For When Buying Land For Your Tiny Home

With the numbers of tiny home dwellers rising in different places across the country, you may just decide that the tiny life is what you need. This transition from a normal-sized home into a tiny house will usually involve buying a piece of land and then building or buying your tiny home, which sounds like a simple process. However, a lot of prospective tiny home dwellers buy a piece of real estate only to discover that their tiny home cannot be situated on it for one reason or another. Check out these three features to be on the lookout for when buying land for your tiny home:

Look for land that does not come with structure size restrictions. 

Did you know that when you buy vacant land it can come with restrictions? There may be restrictions that prevent landowners from raising livestock on the land, creating a business on the land, and even restrictions on how large or small structures on the property can be. Because tiny homes are becoming so prevalent, it is now not common for land to come with guidelines that state any home built must be at least a certain size. 

Look for land that is not in a flood-prone area. 

This one's a biggie. Tiny homes are rather small in comparison to a regular size house. Plus, many of these homes are mobile, which means they are not set up on a permanent foundation. Both of these traits of a tiny home can make it highly vulnerable to rising water in a flood zone. While a big house may fare just fine if water levels get high on your property, a tiny home could possibly be swept away by a low current. Therefore, you will have to be mindful of flooding possibilities when you are looking for a piece of property for your new little house. 

Look for land that gives you ample outdoor living space. 

The change from living in a full-size house to living in a tiny home can be a huge thing that takes some adjustment because the total area of the house can be so small. It is for this reason that most tiny homeowners have a substantially sized outdoor area to spend their time when they need a little room to breath. Therefore, it is best not to buy a tiny tract of land that is just barely big enough to hold your tiny home. Go for something with enough space so you can enjoy your outdoor living space. 

Contact a company like RE/MAX Associates San Antonio for more information and assistance. 
