Cool Weather Could Mean Hot Home Sales

Common wisdom says that the spring and summer are tops when it comes to home sales, but if you are clever you can make your home a temptation any time of the year, including the colder months. Don't put off placing your home on the market just because winter's winds are blowing; buyers need a home when they need a home, no matter what the outside temperature. There's a lot you can do to make your home more attractive to buyers during the cooler time period, so read on to learn more.

1. You may be facing less competition during the this time, since so many more homeowners wait till spring to stick that "for sale" sign in the yard. Less market availability could mean more interest and a higher selling price for your property.

2. Don't neglect the safety and accessibility of potential buyers; keep your driveway, walkways and steps snow and ice free. Be sure not to stop at the front, make sure your back deck or porch is also free of issues.

3. Even if you are no longer living in the home, you can make sure that your home is nice and cozy warm for showings. Remote apps allow you to raise the interior temperature in your home, making it easier for buyers to linger and fall in love with your home. You can also just have the agent arrive ahead of time and crank up the heat a bit for the buyers.

4. Take advantage of the cooler weather to showcase your home's features, such as the fireplace. Take care to get it cleaned and serviced before using, and have it lit for a showing. Make it easy for the buyer to imagine their family snuggled up to it on a cold night.

5. The aroma of vanilla and other warm and cozy foods really do make a home feel more welcoming. Baking some cookies before the buyer arrives and placing the plate out with some coffee will go a long way toward impressing your buyer. A happy buyer might mean a buyer who's ready to make an offer.

6. Winter weather can mean dark and dreary days, so open your drapes and blinds and snap on a lot of lamps inside your home to chase away the gloom. Candles add another touch of warmth and aroma.

Speak to your real estate agent for more tips on making your home more attractive to those cool weather buyers.
